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Nurturing Parenting Skills for Families in Supervised Visitation is an innovative program designed to empower parents and parent educators in creating customized, competency based parenting programs to meet the specific needs of families. It consists of 45 lessons, each lasting between approximately 30 minutes that are intended to either precede a supervised visitation, or be incorporated into the visit. The lessons are taken from the evidenced-based Nurturing Parenting Programs for Parents and Their Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers, and Parents and Their School Age Children. Based on the assessed needs of the family, parents and parent educators work together and select competency based lessons from the curriculum to form a parenting/visitation program that is customized to meet the specific needs of the families.
Note: While this training will specifically highlight the Nurturing Parenting Skills for Families in Supervised Visitation Attendees will learn the skills need to implement All Nurturing Parenting programs.
February 4-6, 2023
3 Day Nurturing Parenting Skills for Families in SV Facilitator Training
This training will be conducted online, in a virtual classroom, a teaching and learning environment where participants can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting.
Register HERE
Boot Camp
In this one day interactive training , The Visit Coach will engage your staff with an interactive, hands on approach to tackle the most pressing issues facing SV providers today
The topics include:
Intervention and Conflict Resolution
Difficult and Manipulative Clients
Child Refusal to vist
Objective Documentation
Court/Referral Relationships
Court Testimony
The Visit Coach will also do a comprehensive review of your program policies, procedures and documentation in advance of your "Boot Camp"
The sessions will be fully immersive allowing students to directly participate by practicing "live "the suggested techniques from the curriculum. They will meet "Average Joe" the most lovable, annoying, argumentative, nurturing, manipulative, charming and difficult client they have ever had the pleasure to meet. But there will be parts of "Average Joe" that will remind anyone who has done this work just how complicated and challenging it can be working with the families we see in supervised visitation.
We will laugh and learn together (maybe even cry), but attendees will walk away with practical tools to make supervised visitation at your program safer and more effective
Want to Host a 3 Day Facilitator Training?
You get a minimum of two free attendees, if you can provide:
Free training site located near a major airport and within walking distance of restaurants and hotels
Bright, well-lit training room with Internet Access to host up to 25 attendees
Help promoting the training locally
You get 1 free registration for every 5 attendees (guaranty of 2)
The Visit Coach can also do a Private Training at your location
If interested contact